Lost on How to Get Leads? Start Here, Stress-Free.

Lost on How to Get Leads? Here’s Where to Start Today

“How am I supposed to get leads for my business when I don’t even know what step one is? Everyone makes it sound so simple, but I’m just… lost.”

Does that hit close to home? Maybe you’ve said it aloud. Maybe it’s just a quiet, nagging thought that bubbles up when you’re staring at your computer screen, Googling “how to get leads for my business” for the hundredth time. You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little embarrassed. (Shouldn’t I already know how to do this?)

Here’s the thing: you are not alone. So many business owners and entrepreneurs feel exactly the same. For all the talk about “simple systems” and “foolproof strategies,” no one seems to acknowledge how confusing this process feels when you’re just starting out. You’ve probably seen experts on Instagram or LinkedIn, confidently talking about their automated lead funnels, their email lists in the tens of thousands, their “effortless” results—and you think, What am I missing?

Let’s take a breath. Step back. Because despite how tangled everything feels right now, the truth is: you are not stuck. You’re just standing at the beginning of a very big, slightly intimidating path that countless others have walked before you. And you don’t need to have it all figured out today.

But, let’s clear the air and get one thing straight before we keep going: this isn’t one of those blog posts that promises a “quick fix.” There’s no magic wand. Generating leads for your business is a process—a mix of strategy, trial and error, persistence, and, yes, figuring out what works for you. That said, step one? It’s just about starting.

It might sound simple (or maddeningly vague), but the first and most important task isn’t finding your dream lead-generation strategy. It’s shifting your mindset. Because let’s call it what it is: this fear of not knowing where to start isn’t just a logistical problem—it’s deeply tied to how we perceive ourselves.

Have you ever noticed how our brains love to catastrophize? When we don’t know what to do, there’s a sneaky little voice that says, Well, if you don’t even know how to start, you’re probably not cut out for this. And suddenly, a lack of clarity about your next step becomes a reason to question whether you’re capable, smart, or resourceful enough to succeed at all. Sound familiar?

Now, imagine trying to build a strategy with that voice chirping in your ear. Tough, right? That’s why the real work begins not with tactics, but by silencing (or at least quieting) that inner critic. Start replacing those doubtful thoughts with something more constructive: “I might not know where to start yet, but I can figure this out, step by step. Every expert was once a beginner.” Trust me—it makes a world of difference.

Now that we’ve called out the mindset monster, let’s zoom out of the overwhelm. What if generating leads isn’t the giant, unscalable mountain it feels like? What if it’s just a puzzle—a series of smaller, manageable pieces that, when put together, form the bigger picture? Because that’s essentially what lead generation is: breaking down the process into sections that make sense for you.

Let’s hit pause on the panic for a second and ask a foundational question: Who are you trying to reach?

Seriously, take a moment with this. Think less about “getting leads for my business” and more about connecting with actual people. Because leads aren’t abstract—they’re real humans with real needs, frustrations, and goals. So, step one—your true first step—is all about understanding those humans.

What do they want? What are they struggling with? How does your product or service make their lives better? If you can answer those questions, you’ve just uncovered one of the most important pieces of this puzzle. It’s less about where can I find leads and more about where are my people hanging out? Spoiler: they’re probably not hiding in a magical lead generator on page 18 of Google search results. They’re online, scrolling platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn, listening to podcasts, joining Facebook groups, or chatting in industry-specific forums.

And if you don’t know for sure? That’s okay, too. Start with some light exploring—deep dive into places your audience might spend time. Join a Facebook group they’d likely participate in. Follow relevant hashtags in your niche. Follow the breadcrumbs left by people who are already speaking their language.

But even with clarity on your audience, it’s easy to feel like finding leads is some kind of elusive treasure hunt. So here’s the thing no one tells you when you’re starting out: you don’t have to be everywhere all at once.

Let me repeat that, just in case the perfectionist side of your brain didn’t hear me: You don’t have to be everywhere all at once. You don’t need to master Instagram reels and paid ads and email funnels and fancy webinars. You definitely don’t need to do them all now.

This is where most people get stuck. They assume that finding leads requires an all-in, overwhelming investment of time, money, and energy. And when they can’t commit to doing everything perfectly, guess what happens? They don’t do anything at all. It’s kind of like wanting to run a marathon, but you keep psyching yourself out because you don’t know how to run perfectly. Truth is, you don’t need to be perfect—you just need to lace up your shoes and start walking.

In lead generation terms, that means picking one starting point. Maybe you’re more comfortable writing than talking to people—so start with an email newsletter or a couple of blog posts. Maybe you’re a natural at building connections, so focus on strengthening your network and sharing your expertise in relevant online communities. Pushing the needle even a little in one area gets you out of “lost” mode and into “learning” mode, which is a lot less intimidating.

Now, I get it: none of this is groundbreaking. You probably want me to hand you the secret sauce right now, some hidden trick to “crack the code” and magically solve all of this. The truth, though? The magic isn’t in finding the “perfect” strategy; it’s in being willing to start imperfectly.

If we’re honest with ourselves, the fear of not knowing where to start isn’t just a lack of clarity about steps—it’s a fear of not doing it right. It’s a fear that you’ll look foolish, waste time, or worse, confirm your own worries of inadequacy. Here’s what I want you to know, though: “right” doesn’t exist when you’re just starting. Action—any action—is what leads to progress.

So, where do you start, really? You start by showing up. You start by getting curious about your audience. By experimenting with one platform, one strategy, one step forward. You don’t need the full roadmap—you just need to trust that even the smallest step is getting you closer to clarity.

And maybe a year from now, you’ll look back and laugh at how stuck you once felt. You’ll remember the nights spent Googling “how to get leads for my business” and the dozens of half-started plans scribbled in notebooks. But you’ll also remember the moment you stopped spinning in circles and decided to begin—messy, uncertain, but moving forward all the same.

So go ahead. Start small. Start imperfectly. But most importantly? Start. Because the only way to find clarity is to create it—one step, one connection, and one imperfect leap at a time.

“Not knowing where to start doesn’t mean you’re not capable—it just means no one’s shown you the way (yet). Grab your free roadmap to lead generation and take the first step with clarity and ease. Click here to finally get unstuck.”