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At first glanz, My Lead Gen Secret seemed like a site with fake leads. Simple put, why waste my time sending a daily email to leads that are not going to open my message, read my message, click my link, and pull out their wallett and take action. I was skeptical, yet I wanted help marketing my business. I spent thousands of dollars building my email list, but wanted more people to reach. So I gave it a try.
The first thing that I noticed was that according to the dashboard, people were opening my messages and clicking my links. I have spent enough money on traffic to understand how dummy hits worked and fake traffic can appear like real traffic. I was not convinced, however this was what my dashbaord was telling me:

As you can see from the picture of the My Lead Gen Secret Dashboard for my account, I receive anywhere from 709 to 1568 people who open my email on a given day and 83 to 266 links clicked on a given day. Not bad, but are they real? Do these leads actual take action?
When I first joined My Lead Gen Secret it was to promote my main Affiliate Marketing Site called The Easy Commission Funnel. I could see new members joining my site, however I get traffic from multiple sources and did not know if it was from My Lead Gen Secret leads. I am not the best as adding traffic codes, but thought I could use my Leads Leap Free Membership site to set up a page and track it that way. Once I did that I could see the source code I added to my Leads Leap Page.
Here is the Page that I created that I would send to my leads at My Lead Gen Secret: https://lllpg.com/rfnrc6st/
Leads leap provides the source code for the tracking links like the one I just shared. So an an example, when I send the above link to my leads at My Lead Gen Secret, the link that I use is https://lllpg.com/rfnrc6st/mlgs. This way if any of the leads optin from My Lead Gen Secret I will know. Here is a screen shopt of the optins I receive to the page that I emailed the links to test and see if the leads from My Lead Gen Secret are real.

As you can see from the screen shot of My Leads Leap Page 8 of the 10 leads on this page are from MLGS and orinigate in the USA. The real proff is if anyone actually joined My Lead Gen Secret as an affiliate from the leads provided to me from My Lead Gen Secret. Again, this is not my primary affilaite site and I am testing to see how engaged and interactive these leads are. I don’t want to wast emy time sending a daily email to a pool of dead leads. I have had that happen in the past at sites like Cliqly (Which I recommend you never join!). My Lead Gen Secret provides an affiliate portion on the dashboard that shares signups and source codes.

As you can see mlgs is the source, prooving that th eleads take action and join affiliate sites that require you to pay to be a member. Membership includes 100 leads to your system and the email platform to send your daily message along with a Perfect Timing Feature. Now I know when I send my email to my blogs posts, affiliate sites, and my main Easy Commission Funnel, they are real people who join and pay for online opportunites.
OH yeah. I almost forgot! Since I trialed this experiement to see if My Lead Gen Secret really works, I did start receiving $30 (minimum commission payout by My Lead Gen Secret) checks sent to me in the mial. THis is how I prefer to get paid.

I fyou love experimenting with leads to see waht they will do, go ahead and join My Lead Gen Secret and do what I did in this blog post. It is fun and I get checks now plus I primarily use My Lead Gen Secret to promote My Easy Commission Funnel FREE site.
You can join My Lead Gen Secret by clicking the this LINK RIGHT NOW. When you do make sure you email me @ [email protected]. I send you great email swipes that work for me for any affilaite promotion. To make it easier use the Leads Leap page and they will go right to your email> This link iis probably an easier way so your not watting on my reply: Join thru Leads Leap to Get My Free Email Swipe Files to send to your new leads
There you have it! I hope you have great success. Give it some trial and error but be persistent. You may get resuts on day 1 or day 7, but the key is to start daily habits. I send my email every morning at 5:30 am and then go on with my day. I check on it in the evening. It is fun as I anticipate what my new leads will do everyday!
For more Email and Affiliate Marketing Help and Ideas click Here.
John (AKA Dr.Green)